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Showing posts from April, 2017

Healthy Strawberry Recipes

Looking for recipes that feature Cullman County strawberries? Check out the Cullman City Parks and Recreation Pinterest page for recipe inspiration! Here are some of our favorite strawberry recipes for meal time! Breakfast:  Strawberry Banana Baked Oatmeal Strawberry Rhubarb Muffins  Lunch: Strawberry Chicken Poppyseed Salad Strawberry Chicken & Bacon Wraps Dinner: Balsamic Glazed Salmon with Strawberry Salsa Strawberry Basil Chicken Enjoy! 

Berry Good for You!

Cullman County is an agricultural hub mostly known for sweet potato and chicken farming.   However, as the months become warmer, the strawberry becomes a celebrated commodity among producers and consumers in this close-knit community. The strawberry has a pretty impressive résumé when you lay out all of it’s known health benefits. You may not have to be convinced to eat this super fruit, but here are some heath and wellness facts about strawberries that could surprise you!             •Strawberries protect your heart, increase HDL (good) cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and guard against cancer!             •Strawberries contain vitamins, fiber, anti-oxidants, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, Folic acid, and amino acids.               •Vitamin C in strawberries is not only considered an i...

Featured Activity of the Month: Yoga

These days if you are looking for a physical activity to meet specific emotional and physical needs, you are in luck! Even though yoga has been practiced for thousands of years, many individuals are just now discovering the physical and mental health benefits of this exercise.             Yoga is used as a complementary and alternative medicine that is centered around a mind-body intervention that is used to reduce health effects of generalized stress. Those who have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) reported having reduced depressive symptoms after participating in yoga and breathing practices 2 to 3 times a week in 90 minute classes. Those who suffer with depression should participate in yoga and deep breathing classes at least twice a week, plus at-home practice to significantly reduce symptoms.             According to the American Osteopathic Organi...